It's Better Than ''Wash Me''

Day Thirteen.

Today is a strange, upside-down sort of day. We got up before breakfast (so like, at 11 A.M.) to play a short acoustic set at KFOG in San Francisco, and now our day is over and we're checked into a quaint hotel/B&B in Petaluma. We have a show here tomorrow (Petaluma, not the quaint hotel/B&B), but we'll be taking it fairly easy for the next three days before we make our final push to the northwestmost corner of the country. Not including Alaska. Why don't we ever play in Alaska? I want to go to Alaska! We had an opportunity last summer, but we just couldn't make it work logistically due to previous commitments. Not sure where I'm going with this.

I think "not sure where I'm going with this” might be the overarching theme of everything I've ever written, and possibly everything I've ever done.

Yeah, sorry, my brain is kind of fried today. Last night was everything I could reasonably have hoped for and then some. The show was obviously a lot of fun, I got to catch up with a few old friends (including a high school jazz bandmate!), and then the awesome icing on the already rad-as-hell cake was the late show across the street at the Boom Boom Room. It was cool enough getting to see the likes of Mike Clark performing with a bunch of stellar musicians from the San Francisco area, but then imagine my [is there a word in English for "brief confusion, followed immediately by joy?"  I bet there is in like, German or Mandarin or something], when New Orleans luminary Donald Harrison popped up onstage, horn blazing.

I think that's it for today. No epic struggles against the elements, no wistful reminiscences about bygone van adventures, no hot takes about mayonnaise on hamburgers. Just a congratulations and/or good luck to all of our friends at the Grammys today. Be good to each other.


That's What You Get For Naming Him ''Cujo''


Raise Your Hand If You Aren't Here